12 Golden Tips to Start Living a Better Life

7. Use the stairs

It doesn’t matter if we’re late, busy or even just lazy, most of us don’t engage in physical exercise in our free time. The modern world doesn’t give us many chances to walk: we get in the car or on the bus, use the elevator and sit at our desks. This is why it is vital that we take every opportunity to exercise. Instead of waiting for the elevator, take the stairs and burn some extra calories. It will also help you avoid stiff muscles and joint pain.

8. Take a break from staring at the screen

If you have a desk job or are just an avid technology lover, it’s safe to say you spend a lot of time in front of a screen. Staring at the screen for so many hours is bad for your eyes, so it is crucial to take frequent breaks. The best method is the “20-60-20”: every 20 minutes look away from the screen at an object 60 feet away for 20 seconds. If you can, take a moment to walk around the office.

9. Add cinnamon to your breakfast

cinnamon to your breakfast

Cinnamon has a variety of medicinal properties, including helping with diabetes by reducing blood sugar levels. Cinnamon is also beneficial in fighting obesity, lowering bad cholesterol levels, and it even warms up the body on cold days. You can add cinnamon to your breakfast by mixing it in your yogurt, oats, cereals and even your coffee.

10. Add lemon to your water

Adding a slice of lemon to your water is not only refreshing but also has many health benefits. Lemons are a superfood and are considered to be one of the most efficient detox agents, making them a great addition to your diet.

11. Clean up your desk

It doesn’t matter how tidy you keep your desk, it still gets covered with germs. Take a minute to wipe down leftovers and crumbs, which are the main source of bacterial contamination in your workplace. Use an antibacterial wipe on your keyboard and mouse, they are the most used items on your desk that come in contact with your hands regularly.

12. Elevate your feet

Elevate your feet

60 seconds of lying down with your legs raised up and leaning against a wall energize the body as much as a half-hour nap. Rest your arms at the sides of your body and remain in that position while taking slow, deep breaths. Studies have shown that this position helps the blood in your legs to flow back to your chest and head.