Soaked Almonds are magical! Do you know why?

Soaked Almonds are superior of all other nuts when it comes to nutrition and can be included in the balanced diet.

Almonds with rich nutrition contains proteins, folic acid, Vitamin E, Omega 3 and Omega 3 fatty acids too.

In order to get the wholesome benefits from Almonds, it should be consumed soaked. The skin of Almonds contains an element which prevents the digestion of these nuts. We can easily remove the skin of soaked Almonds.

Soaked Almonds peel off

Almonds have many health and beauty enhancing features!

Helps to lose weight:

Vitamin E in Almonds helps in cutting down the bad cholesterol content in the body which ultimately helps to reduce the weight.

Aids good memory

The fatty acid contents in Almonds helps to deliver good memory power when consumed every morning.

Helps in digestion

The content ‘Lipase’ present in the Almonds ease the process of digestion.

Prevents cancer

Vitamin B17 in Almonds prevents the risk of liver and breast cancer.

Controls Diabetes and blood pressure

When taken with low calorie food, soaked Almonds can control sugar levels,  insulin levels and sodium levels in the blood.

Prevents heart diseases

Almonds increases the HDL (good) cholesterol levels and reduces the LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the body. Vitamin E and the magnesium content helps prevent heart diseases. Folic acid prevents the blood veins blockages.

Eases pregnancy disorders

The folic acid in the Almonds can help prevent pregnancy disorders and hence it is advised to have soaked Almonds in the pregnancy.

So why wait? Start this healthy habit of eating soaked Almonds everyday!